saturday morning grabbed the new seat for the entry way, thanks alain!
kevin came over and got some wingstop for dinner before the night~ epic night lol
george and i packed up and headed to LA after midnight
sunday morning woke up and grabbed arcadia DTF for lunch~ XLB all day
finally got to my step dad's house~ got to see rose and the boys
hung out with baby charlie and james~
ochi came over with elsa rose and josephine
played some waterballoon fights~
linda brought an ice cream cake, it was bomb 👌
happy birthday jim~!
grabbed some boba then headed downtown to the standard
grabbed king taco for late night~ pretty legit
monday woke up and grabbed lunch with george at budnamu kbbq
hit up bart and geo's gym to check it out~ pretty dope powerlifting setup
stopped by porto's to get some cheese rolls for the work fam
drove around rodeo and the hills, then headed out
stopped by harris ranch on the way back
pretty fun weekend~ finally back home

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